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The Reprogramming Institute

offers a plethora of programs 

to assist men and women with accountability and navigating through life.


Together we identify what matters most to you, and what you individually need to be your BEST SELF

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Doing great in the area of finances, yet not so good regarding your health?

Doing fantastic in the area of fitness, yet your relationships are the pits?


This 90 day program is for the ReProgrammer who has chosen to be abnormal by way of working on their ENTIRE 'wheel of life' simultaneously. Innerstanding that we are a YOUniverse, innerstanding that we are

multi-dimensional; '360 Living' is for the ReProgrammer who wants to engage in a more balanced life experience. The foundation of this program deals with you getting crystal clear on your life from a 360 perspective and you LIVING your laws.





This 90 day Program is where the entire focus revolves around your relationship with YOU! EVERYone and EVERYthing else takes a back seat, actually they are removed from the car. If you are looking to become your best Bestie, your best Accountability Partner; if you need to forgive yourself, nurture yourself and put you 1st - this is the program for you! We must nurture the best in us before we can offer it to another. We must become selfish in order to be selfless. 

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This 90 day Program deals with addressing the many layers of the voices in your head. EVERTHING we do and don't deal is directly connected to those voices. This program consists of intense audio recordings and manual writing. Simply put this program is designed for the ReProgrammer who wants to be the one holding the sponge, soap and water in their Brainwashing process.


Depending on who you are, you will either love this Program or despise it  . For it's a DAILY reminder (for 90 DAYS) and not many of us like to be reminded, especially if we aren't interested in doing. This Program is a great companion piece to any of the other programs within The ReProgramming Institute (which is why it's included in every program) and it's also a great stand alone. To overstand programming is to first innerstand that we run on programs and it will take consistent and intentional action to REprogram ourselves. For many of us, knowing isn't the issue, for in many situations we know what to do; remembering to remember, programming ourselves to actually DO is the issue. The average person hasn't installed internal triggers that will springboard them to take action in the direction they say they want to go. The average person isn't part of an association that's reminding them on a DAILY basis of the goals they have. The average person doesn't have cooperative components in place to support the NEW programming they are looking to upload. 'Triggers' can be likened to your Avatar, it's in place to remind you daily of who YOU said you would be and what you said you would do. 'Triggers' either gives you ANOTHER voice to put in your head OR it fertilizes it.

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Let's talk.

If you need advice or have a question, the best way to reach TRI and/or

Sheneese Starr is directly via email

Thanks for submitting!

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